- 机械工程学专业词汇英语翻译(A-I) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 环境 environment
- 周围温度 environment temperature
- 环境空气动力学 environmental aerodynamics
- 环境条件 environmental conditions
- 震中 epicenter
- 外摆线运动 epicycloidal motion
- 等臂杠杆 equal armed lever
- 等能源 equal energy source
- 均衡 equalization
- 浓度均衡 equalization of concentration
- 位势均衡 equalization of potential
- 均匀分布的 equally distributed
- 均衡 equating
- 协到程 equation of compatibility
- 连续性原理 equation of continuity
- 平衡方程 equation of equilibrium
- 五力矩方程 equation of five moments
- 热平衡方程 equation of heat balance
- 铃动力学方程 equation of hydrodynamics
- 铃静力学方程 equation of hydrostatics
- 运动方程 equation of motion
- 辐射传递方程 equation of radiative transfer
- 弦振动方程 equation of the vibrating string
- 引力场方程 equations of gravitational field
- 陀螺仪运动方程 equations of gyroscopic motion