- 机械工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 喉径 throat diameter
- 喉深 throat of filler weld
- 轮缘喉 throat of flange
- 喷射器喉 throat of injector
- 喷嘴喉 throat of nozzle
- 喉孔 throat opening
- 锅炉喉板 throat plate
- 喉压力 throat pressure
- 喉板 throat sheet
- 喉厚(熔接) throat thickness
- 节流,节流阀 throttle
- 节流阀箱 throttle box
- 节流阀蝴蝶板 throttle butterfly plate
- 节流纽 throttle button
- 节流操纵 throttle control
- 节流膨胀阀 throttle expansion valve
- 节流门 throttle gate
- 节流调速 throttle governing
- 节流调速器 throttle governor
- 节流阀柄 throttle handle
- 节流杆 throttle lever
- 节流联动机构 throttle linkage
- 节流喷嘴 throttle nozzle
- 节流压力 throttle pressure
- 节流水蒸汽压 throttle steam pressure