- 机械工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 秒,第二 second
- 第二种愩杆 second class lever
- 中级纹锉 second cut file
- 二挡 second gear
- 秒针,旧货 second hand
- 第二谐波(第二谐和函数) second harmonic
- 铆钉 second head
- 运动第二定律 second law of motion
- 热力学第二定律 second law of thremodynamics
- 断面二次矩 second moment of area
- 秒针 second pointer
- 第二级膨胀 second stage expansion
- 二挡 second [speed] gear
- 副作用 secondary action
- 次级空气 secondary air
- 次级空气鼓风机,次级风扇 secondary air fan
- 二次合金 secondary alloy
- 再制铝 secondary aluminium
- 副轴线 secondary axis
- 二次电池 secondary battery
- 副拉条,副撑条 secondary bracing
- 二次电池 secondary cell
- 副电路,二次回路 secondary circuit
- 子锺 secondary clock
- 二次线圈 secondary coil