- 机械工程专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 粗松组织(铸造) open-grain structure
- 平炉 open-hearth furnace
- 平炉法 open-hearth process
- 平炉钢 open-hearth steel (Simens Martin Steel)
- 开口支援格架 open-lattice
- 开罐器,开沟器 opener
- 开口,通路,开启度 opening
- 内闪 opening in
- 旋塞开启度 opening of cock
- 节目 opening of sieve
- 阀门开启度 opening of valve
- 外开 opening out
- 运转费用 operating cost
- 操作情况,运转情况 operating condition
- 操动气缸 operating cylinder
- 有效距离 operating distance
- 运转坡度(铁路) operating grade
- 操作手柄 operating handle
- 操作说明书,运转说明书 operating instruction
- 工作曲线 operating line
- 操动活塞 operating piston
- 作业坑 operating pit
- 操作实习 operating pravtice
- 运转压力 operating pressure
- 齿合压力角(齿轮) operating pressure angle