- 轮机与电机英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内衬 inner lining
- 内轴 inner shaft; inboard shaft
- 内管 inner tube
- 内卡钳 inside calliper
- 内余面 inside lap
- 内导程 inside lead
- 内分厘卡 inside micrometer; inside micrometer caliper
- 检验报告 inspection report; survey report
- 瞬时故障 instantaneous fault
- 瞬时应变 instantaneous strain
- 瞬时值 instantaneous value
- 说明书 instruction book
- 仪器常数 instrumental constant
- 进气歧管 intake manifold
- 进入管 intake pipe
- 进入滤筛 intake screen
- 进气温度 intake temperature
- 进气定时 intake timing
- 整体结构 integral construction
- 积分仪 integrating instrument
- 积分 integration
- 通风强度 intensity of draft
- 应力强度 intensity of stress
- 互换性 interchangeability
- 可互换装配 interchangeable assembling