- 电工专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 温度波动度 temperature fluctuation
- 温度梯度 temperature gradient
- 恒温恒湿箱 temperature humidity chamber
- 温度湿度范围 temperature humidity range
- 测温热敏电阻器 temperature measure thermistor
- 温度测量 temperature measurement
- 外推起始温度 temperature of the extrapolated onset
- 海洋水温 temperature of the ocean
- 温度偏置 temperature offset
- 检验温度点 temperature point for verification
- 温度辐射 temperature radiation
- 温度范围 temperature range
- 升温时间 temperature rise time
- 温升 temperature rising
- 温(度)标(尺) temperature scale
- 差热分析温度标准物质 temperature standard material for DTA
- 热重法温度标准物质 temperature standard material for TG
- 温度传感器 temperature transducer (sensor)
- 温度变送器 temperature transmitter
- 温度均匀性 temperature uniformity
- 温度—电导率测量仪 temperature-conductivity indicator
- 湿热试验箱 temperature-humidity test chamber
- 标准电池温度滞后效应 temperature-hysteresis effect of standard cell
- 控温压力罐 temperature-pressure tank
- 温压试验箱 temperature-pressure test chamber