- 电工专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 运动部件悬挂机械共振频率 mechanical resonance frequency of the moving element suspension
- 机械脱出 mechanical runout
- 力敏元件 mechanical sensor
- 机械冲击 mechanical shock
- 机械应变 mechanical strain
- [sensor] 结构型传感器 mechanical structure type transducer
- 机械性能试验 mechanical test
- 机械式试验机 mechanical testing machine
- 机械式上皿天平 mechanical top-loading balance
- 机械测振仪 mechanical vibraometer
- 机械)振动 mechanical vibration (
- 机械振动器 mechanical vibrator
- 机械零位 mechanical zero
- 机械零位调节器 mechanical zero adjuxter
- 机理模型 mechanism model
- 中温应变计(片) medium temperature strain gauge
- 美(音调的单位) mel
- 熔融石英电容器 melted quartz cqpacitor
- 熔解热 melting heat
- 熔解点 melting point
- 熔点型消耗式温度计 melting point type disposable fever thermeometer
- 存储器 memory
- 存储保护 memory protection
- 门捷列夫称量法 Mendeleev weighing
- 弯月面 meniscus