- 电工专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 电平记录仪 level recorder
- 物位传感器 level transducer(sensor)
- 杠杆式测振仪 lever-type vibrograph
- 程序库 library
- 谱库检索 library searching
- 寿命 life
- 射线管寿命试验 life of X-ray tube X
- 水翼升力 lift of hydrofoil
- 拖曳体升阻比 lift-drag of towed vehicle
- 提高效应 lift-off effect
- 配位体色谱法 ligand chromatography
- 光按钮 light button
- 轻便数字测井仪 light digital logging instrument
- 闪电 lightning
- 极限报警检测器 limit alarm sensor
- 极限当量电导 limit equivalent conductance
- 极限频率 limit frequency
- 检测限 limit of detection
- 基本误差限 limit of intrinsic error
- 极限分辨率 limit resolution
- 限位开关 limit switch
- 限制通气外壳 limited breathing enclosure
- 极限电流 limited current
- 极限可用度 limiting availability
- 极限控制 limiting control