- 电工专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 云辐射仪 cloudiness radiometer
- 三叶浮标 cloverleaf buoy
- 附壁效应 Coanda effect
- 粗真空;前级真空 coarse vacuum
- 海岸带水色扫描仪 coastal zone color scanner(CZCS)
- 同轴度 code 代码;代号;规程;规范 coaxiality
- 代码转换器;D/D转换器 code converter;D/D converter
- 代码透明的数据通信 code-transparent data communication
- 编码度盘 coded circle
- 色差系数 coefficient of interference 干扰系数 coefficient of radial distortion 径向畸变系数 coefficient of chromatic aberration
- 旋转畸变系数 coefficient of rotational distortion
- 球差系数 coefficient of spherical aberration
- 变异系数 coefficient of variation
- 矫顽力计 coercivity meter
- 线圈式振动子 coil galvanometer
- 线圈材料 coil method
- 线圈法 coil method
- 符合鉴别 coincidence discrimination
- 度盘合像装置 coincidence level
- 寒冷试验 cold test
- 冷阴极离子源 cold-cathode source
- 整理 collate
- 集电器 collector
- 接收器狭缝 collector slit
- 视轴 collimation axis