- 电工专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 阳极 anode
- 应答 answering
- 防空化阀 anti-cavitation valve
- 防污染装置 anti-contamination device
- 抗耦双频激电仪 anti-coupling bi-frequency induced polarization instrument
- 消磁电压敏电阻器 anti-magnetized varistor
- 反斯托克线 anti-stockes line
- 反共振 antiresonance
- 反共振频率 antiresonance frequency
- 非周期阻尼;过阻尼 aperiodic dampong
- 非周期振动 aperiodic vibration
- 光阑 aperture
- 压差光阑 aperture of pressure difference
- 针孔摄影法 aperture photographic method
- 孔径光栏 aperture stop
- 空隙时间 aperture time
- 冲击法直流磁特性测量装置 apparatus for measuring d.c.magnetic characteristic with ballistic galvanometer
- 表观温度 apparent temperature
- 出现电热谱仪 appearance potential spectrometer
- 出现电热谱法 appearance potential spectrometer(APS)
- 出现电位 appearance potentical
- 应用层协议规范 application layer protocol specification
- 应用室服务定义 application layer service definition
- 应用层 application layer(AL)
- 应用软件 application software