- 英语环境专业术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 热固性树脂 thermosetting resins
- 热层 thermosphere
- 热层 thermosphere
- 同义词 Thesaurus
- 臭氧层的厚度 thickness of the ozone layer
- 薄层色谱法 thin-layer chromatography
- 逐渐变弱;逐渐稀薄 thindown
- 稀释剂;冲淡剂 thinner
- 北极冰盖逐渐变薄 thinning of the Arctic icecap
- 臭氧层逐渐变薄 thinning of the ozone layer
- 硫;硫代 thio
- 硫醇 thiol
- 热带旱森林 thorn forest
- 受威胁物种 threatened species
- 三区[轮作]制三圃农作制 three field system
- 三元环;三原子环 three-membered ring
- 三元催化排气净化器 three-way catalytic converter
- 打谷 threshing
- 阈剂量;最低有效剂量 threshold dose
- 造成伤害的阈值;造成伤害的最低限值 threshold for injury
- 阈限值;最低限值 threshold limit value (TLV)
- 货品最低需求量 threshold of goods
- 人口低限 threshold population
- 阈值 threshold value
- [贯]穿降水[量] throughfall