- 英语环境专业术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 轮垦;轮换种植 shifting cultivation
- 林农轮作 Shifting cultivation
- 卵石滩粗砾滩 shingle beach
- 船舶地球站 Ship Earth Station (SES)
- 造船业 shipbuilding
- 危险废物的装运 shipment of hazardous wastes
- 船厂 shipyard
- 浅滩沙洲 shoal
- 暗滩;浅滩;沙洲 shoal
- 鱼群 shoal
- 购物行为 shopping behaviour
- 购物中心 shopping centre
- 购物设施 shopping facility
- 商店 Shops
- 海滨 shore
- 海边草地 shore meadows
- 海滨线 shoreline
- 短波 short wave
- 短期天气预报 short-range weather prediction
- 短波辐射 short-wave radiation
- 短波紫外辐射 short-wave ultraviolet radiation
- 饮用水不足;缺乏饮用水 shortage of drinking water
- 山肩 shoulder
- 骤雨阵雨 shower
- 簇射;阵雨;阵性降水 shower