- 英语环境专业术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 直角水系;长方水系 rectangular drainage
- 直线水系 rectilinear drainage
- 伏卧褶曲 recumbent fold
- 重现期 recurrence interval (reture period)
- 弯曲沙嘴 recurved spit
- 回收的材料 Recycled materials
- 再循环 recycling
- 回收 Recycling
- 含氯氟烃的重复使用 recycling of CFCs
- 红色荒漠土 red desert soil
- 红泥 red mud
- 红潮;赤潮 red tide
- 红潮;赤潮 red tide
- 赤潮 Red tide
- 红潮 red tide (rapid propagation of sea algae
- 热带红壤 red tropical soil
- 灰化红黄壤 red-yellow podzolic soil
- 重新设计 redesign
- 重建 redevelopment
- 垃圾填埋地的重新整修 redevelopment of landfill sites
- 氧化还原电势;氧化还原电位势 redox potential
- 象限角 reduced bearing
- 肺部功能衰减 reduced lung function
- 被还原氮化物 reduced nitrogen species
- 被还原硫化物 reduced sulphur species