- 英语环境专业术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 高山树林 montane (mountain) forest
- 关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
- 粗腐殖质;酸性有机质 mor
- 粗腐殖质 mor
- 冰碛 moraine
- 冰碛堰塞湖 moraine-dammed lake
- 较发达国家 more developed country
- 死亡率 mortality rate
- 镶嵌图案 Mosaics
- 藓 moss
- 海藻 mostly in polluted waters)
- 大气的运动 motions of the atmosphere
- 机动车辆废气排放标准 motor vehicle emission standard
- 机动车辆排放物 Motor vehicle emissions
- 汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust
- 机动车辆 Motor vehicles
- 汽车制造业 motor-car industry
- 摩托车 Motorcycles
- 斑纹带 mottled zone
- 高山 mountain
- 山弧 mountain arc
- 高山屏障 mountain barrier
- 山风 mountain breeze (wind)
- 造山运动 mountain building
- 高山气候 mountain climate