垂直安定面 vertical stabilizer垂直条幅式航空照片 vertical strip垂直尾翼 vertical tail垂直尾翼面积 vertical tail area垂直尾面 vertical tail surface垂直尾翼组 vertical tail unit垂直起飞 vertical takeoff垂直起降 vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL)垂直升降 vertical translation垂直转弯 vertical turn垂直速度 vertical velocity垂直速度指示表 vertical velocity indicator垂直能见度 vertical visibility直立起降 vertical-attitude takeoff and landing (VATOL)垂直/短场起降 vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL)错觉模拟机 vertifuge晕眩;惧高症 vertigo错觉训练机 vertigon垂直起降点 vertipad极高频 very high frequency (VHF)极高频全(多)向导航台 very high frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR)极高频定向 very high frequency/direction-finding (VHF/DF)特高速集成电路 very high speed integrated circuit (VHSIC)极重要人员 very important person (VIP)特远程 very long range (VLR)语际翻译 版权所有
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