- 飞行动力学专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 三点着陆 three-point landing
- 三点系留 three-point mooring
- 三点支承 three-point mounting
- 三点悬吊 three-point suspension
- 三点开关 three-point switch
- 三极断电器 three-pole circuit breaker
- 三极开关 three-pole switch
- 三视图 three-view drawing
- 三向阀 three-way valve
- 三绕组变压器 three-winding transformer
- 单相三线接法 three-wire connection; single phase
- 三线制 three-wire system
- 跑道头;始动数值;阈限;临界值 threshold (THR)
- 低限光对比 threshold contrast
- 跑道头通过高度 threshold crossing height (TCH)
- 临限侦测 threshold detect
- 低限频率 threshold frequency
- 跑道头灯 threshold lights
- 最低可听值 threshold of hearing
- 限界声强 threshold of sound intensity
- 限界波长 threshold wavelength
- 感觉阈限 threshold; sensory
- 喉部 throat
- 血栓 thrombi
- 油门;节流阀 throttle