- 飞行动力学专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 观测高度 observed altitude
- 强迫观念;强迫行为疾病 obsessive-compulsive disorder
- 障碍物 obstacle (OBST)
- 障碍评估表面 obstacle assessment surface (OAS)
- 障碍许可高度 obstacle clearance altitude (OCA)
- 障碍许可高度 obstacle clearance height (OCH)
- 障碍许可限度 obstacle clearance limit (OCL)
- 障碍许可面 obstacle clearance surface (OCS)
- 无障碍区 obstacle-free zone (OFZ)
- 障碍灯 obstruction light
- 视线障碍 obstruction to vision
- 塞子 obturator
- 活塞环 obturator ring
- 钝角 obtuse angle
- 囚锢气旋;包围气旋 occluded cyclone
- 囚锢锋;包围锋 occluded front
- 囚锢气体;吸留气体 occluded gas
- 囚锢;吸留 occlusion
- 明暗灯 occult light
- 掩蔽;掩星 occultation
- 明灭灯;掩蔽(灯光) occulting light (OCC)
- 职业安全卫生法 occupational safety and health act (OSHA)
- 职业安全与健康标准 occupational safety and health standards (OSHS)
- 海洋水色影像 ocean color imaging (OCI)
- 洋流 ocean currents