- 飞行动力学专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 纤维状云 fibratus
- 费克定律 Fick's law
- 假想负载 fictitious load
- 假太阳 fictitious sun
- 传真度 fidelity
- 消雾术 fido
- 基点 fiducial point
- 基温 fiducial temperature
- 场;机场 field
- 野战机场 field airdrome
- 磁场线圈 field coil
- 机场标高气压 field elevation pressure
- 起降长度 field length
- 场站修护 field maintenance
- 场站手册 field manual
- 视野 field of view (FOV)
- 视野 field of vision
- 涡流场 field of vorticity
- 野战机场操作 field operation
- 起降性能 field performance
- 场站勤务 field service
- 场站服务工程师 field service engineer
- 场站服务代表 field service representative
- 场强度 field strength
- 场站试验装备 field test equipment