- Toefl词汇(词组) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 同母异父(或同父异母)兄弟 half brother
- 中庸之道 halfway path
- 施舍 hand out
- 手鼓 hand-held drum
- 肉搏战 hand-to-hand combat
- 可观的薪水 handsome salary
- 变得确定 harden into
- 有共同点 have ...in common
- 清楚地了解(知道) have a good idea of
- 有强硬的手段做...(arm指权力,力量) have a strong arm for
- 只有一个 have but one
- 非常熟悉 have intimate knowledge of
- 穿戴某物 have on sth.
- 共有... have...in common
- 高踢腿 high kick
- 效率高的职员 high performer
- 高平原 high plains
- 高等教育 higher education
- 乡村音乐 hillbilly music
- 雇员 hired hand
- 历史展望 historical perspective
- 阻挡,抑制 hold back
- 享有权力地位 hold positions of authority
- 坚持 hold to
- 支撑 hold up
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