- 材料科学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 变形球径 deformed ball diameter
- 除霜器,防结冰装置 defroster
- 败坏,降级 Degadation
- 脱气 Degasification
- 放气 degassing
- 脱气熔剂 Degassing flux
- 去气率 Degassing rate
- 去浇口 degating
- 去磁 Degaussing
- 去芽 degermination
- 脱氢 Deghdrogenation
- 退解 degradation
- 塑胶退解 degradation of plastics
- 苯乙烯聚合物退解 degradation of styrene polymers
- 退解过程 degradative processes
- 去油剂 Degreaser
- 分支度 degree of branching
- 交连度 degree of crosslinking
- 结晶度 degree of crystallinity
- 硬化度 degree of cure
- 退解度 degree of degradation
- 疲劳程度 Degree of fatique
- 自由度 Degree of freedom
- 水合度 degree of hydration
- 异构度 degree of isomerization