- 材料科学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 批量计 batch meter
- 分批处理 batch processing
- 晶圆片回批取出 batch wafer retrieval
- 批重 batch weights
- 批式炉 batch [type] furnace
- [料] batch 批
- 批次间之注入均质性 batch-to-batch dose uniformity
- 批式退火炉 batch-type annealing furnace
- 分批混合机 batch-type mixer
- 批拌机 batch-type mixer
- 配料设备 batching equipment
- 配料工厂 batching plant
- 浴 bath
- 镀浴安定剂 bath stabilizer
- 槽间输送时间 bath to bath transport time
- 循环过滤洗条槽 bath with filter for circulation solution
- 鎚击工具 battering tool
- 平椪机 batting out machine
- 波美比重计 Baume hydrometer
- 波美度(比重单位) Baume's scale
- 鲍辛格效应 bauschinger effect
- 水矾土,铝矾土 bauxite
- 矾土砖 bauxite brick
- 铝矾土水泥 bauxite cement
- 拜耳法 Bayer process