- 铸造学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 旧砂复用 repeated transverse impact test
- 续制铸件 repeated use of sand
- 复磷 repetition castings
- 换置组件(压铸模) rephosphorization
- 复置模型试模 replacing pattern in the mold
- 重整石英砂 replenishment quartz sand
- 复制品 replica
- 补浇 repouring
- 研究工程师 research engineer
- 残留雪明碳铁 residual cementite
- 残留尘量 residual dust content
- 残磁 residual magnetism
- 残留波来铁 residual pearlite
- 残留应变 residual strain
- 残留应力 residual stress
- 残留物 residue
- 燃余残留物 residue after ignition
- 残留物,筛留物 residues
- 弹性能 resilience
- 树脂 resin
- 树脂黏结剂 resin binder
- 树脂里贴工场 resin bonding plant
- 树脂里贴砂 resin coated sand
- 树脂调质 resin modification
- 树脂调质砂心油 resin modified core oil