- 铸造学专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 原砂,原产硅砂 crude sand
- 压坏(砂模),粉碎 crush
- 砂心压坏 crush of core
- 砂模压坏 crush of mold
- 密合用砂模突条 crush strip,crush bead
- 压碎机 crusher
- 合模面边角压坏 crushes of parting edge
- 合模面压坏 crushes of parting surface
- 冰晶石 cryolite
- 晶体 crystal
- 晶粒 crystal grain
- 晶粒成长 crystal grain-growth
- 晶格,结晶格子 crystal lattice
- 晶格参数 crystal lattice parameters
- 晶体石英粉 crystal quartz flour
- 晶体石英砂 crystal quartz sand
- 结晶破坏 crystalline fracture
- 结晶 crystallization
- 熔铁炉鼓风机 cupola blower
- 熔铁炉炉体 cupola body
- 熔铁炉炉砖 cupola brick
- 熔欠炉加料 cupola charge
- 熔欠炉加料机 cupola charging machine
- 熔铁炉控制设备 cupola control equipment
- 落炉,下炉 cupola drop