- 钢材相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 涂铝钢; 渗化钢 Calorized Steel
- 铝化钢 Calorizing Steel
- 加盖钢; 半镇静钢 Capped Steel
- 碳钢及低合金钢容器 Carbon And Low-Alloy Steel Vessels
- 钢含碳量 Carbon Content Of Steel
- 钼碳钢 Carbon Molybdenum Steel
- 碳钢; 碳素钢 Carbon Steel
- 碳钢焊条 Carbon Steel Covered Electrode
- 碳素钢板; 碳素钢板和型材 Carbon Steel Plate
- 碳工具钢; 碳素工具钢 Carbon Tool Steel
- 含碳合金钢 Carbon-Containing Alloy Steel
- 无碳不锈钢 Carbon-Free Stainless Steel
- 无碳钢 Carbon-Free Steel
- 碳钢 Carburizing Steel
- 表面渗碳硬化钢; 渗碳钢 Case-Hardened Steel
- 窗框钢 Casement Section Steel
- 合金铸钢活塞 Cast Alloy Steel Piston
- 钢芯铸铁焊条 Cast Iron Electrode With Steel Core
- 铸造不锈钢 Cast Stainless Steel
- 铸钢件 Cast Steel
- 铸钢板 Cast Steel Plate
- 铸钢 Cast(Carbon) Steel
- 铸入钢套 Cast-In Steel Bush
- 铸入钢管 Cast-In Steel Pipe
- 铸钢 Cast-Steel
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