- 地理相关英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 岛山;残丘 inselberg
- 近岸捕鱼 inshore fishing
- 日射 insolation
- 不稳定〔状态〕 instability
- 制度因素 institutional factor
- 制度影响 institutional influence
- 社团土地利用 institutional land use
- 侵入 instrusion
- 侵入岩 instrusive rock
- 侵入火山活动 instrusive vulcanicity
- 钢铁联合企业 integrated iron and steel works
- 发展密度 intensity of development
- 降雨强度 intensity of rainfall
- 精耕法;集约式农业 intensive farming
- 热带锋 inter-tropical front
- 城市间相互作用 inter-urban interaction
- 城市间人口迁移 inter-urban migration
- 截留,(2)截取 interception (1)
- 间种〔法〕 intercropping
- 相互依赖 interdependence
- 间层流;表层流 interflow
- 交错山咀 interlocking spur
- 中等科技 intermediate technology
- 间竭河流;断续河流;季节河流 intermittent stream
- 山间盆地 intermontance basin