辅助性服务〔行业〕 ancillary service风速计 anemometer空盒气压计 aneroid barometer俯角 angle of depression仰角 angle of elevation入射角 angle of incidence倾角 angle of inclination休止角 angle of repose角状水系 angulate drainage畜牧〔业〕 animal husbandry阴离子;负离子 anion注释图 annotated map年最大流量;年最大洪水 annual flood年平均温 annual mean temperature年雨量 annual rainfall年温差 annual range of temperature年径流;年径流量 annual runoff环状水系 annular drainage南极圈 Antarctic Circle先成水系 antecedent drainage无烟煤 anthracite人为因素 anthropogenic factor背斜 anticline反气旋 anticyclone反气旋式环流 anticyclonic circulation语际翻译 版权所有
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