- 地理专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 浅滩 shoal
- 砂洲 shoalbank
- 禾束堆 shock
- 萌蘖 shoot
- 摄影 shooting
- 急流 shooting flow
- 海滨 shore
- 海滨沉积物 shore deposits
- 滨冰 shore ice
- 海岸线 shore line
- 上升滨线 shore line of emergence
- 平衡海岸线 shore line of equilibrium
- 下沉滨线 shore line of submergence
- 海岸声呐 shore sonar
- 岸边式 shore type
- 岸风 shore wind
- 滨前沉积阶地 shoreface terrace
- 海岸线变化 shoreline change
- 短日照罪 short day plant
- 短焰煤 short flame coal
- 矮草草甸 short grass meadow
- 短草 short grasses
- 短期预报 short period forecast
- 短波辐射 short wave radiation
- 正边粗玄岩 shoshonite