- 地理专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 变温性湖 poikilothermic lakes
- 曲邻侧沙洲 point bar
- 接触样点法 point contact method
- 拐点 point of inflection
- 交点 point of intersection
- 物点 point of object
- 起始点 point of origin
- 立尺点 point of staff
- 支点 point of support
- 等角点 point of zero distortion
- 点状符号 point symbol
- 点目标 point target
- 毒 poison
- 中毒 poisoning
- 有毒菌类 poisonous fungi
- 有毒植物 poisonous plant
- 极性吸附 polar adsorption
- 极地气团 polar air mass
- 极地反气旋 polar anticyclone
- 极光 polar aurora
- 极轴 polar axis
- 极性键 polar bond
- 极圈 polar circle
- 极地气候 polar climate
- 极坐标 polar coordinates