- 地质专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 绿水云母 pennite
- 宾夕法尼亚系 pennsylvanian
- 硒铜铅镍矿 penroseite
- 五角十二面体 pentagonal dodecahedron
- 五角三八面体晶族 pentagonal icositetrahedral class
- 五水泻盐 pentahydrite
- 镍黄铁矿 pentlandite
- 块堇青石 peplolite
- 胶熔酌 peptization
- 过碱性岩 peralkaline rock
- 固结率 percentage of consolidation
- 灯度 percentage of modulation
- 易感的 perceptible
- 坡栖岩块 perched block
- 滞水 perched ground water
- 滞水台 perched water table
- 过滤 percolate
- 渗透 percolation
- 过晶质 percrystalline
- 冲击 percussion
- 冲魂进 percussion boring
- 冲唤钻机 percussion drill
- 冲魂井 percussion drilling
- 冲唤钻机 percussion drilling machine
- 冲魂井方法 percussion drilling system