- 地质专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 连 flow regime
- 怜结构 flow structure
- 怜试验 flow test
- 运动冰碛 flow till
- 怜 flowage
- 显花植物 flowering plants
- 硫华 flowers of sulfur
- 自喷井 flowing artesian well
- 动水压力 flowing pressure
- 廉 flowing water
- 量计 flowmeter
- 撂图 flowsheet
- 选矿撂图 flowsheet of mill
- 起伏 fluctuation
- 铃 fluid
- 液体包体 fluid inclusion
- 液包体地质温度计 fluid inclusion geothermometer
- 拎 fluid phase
- 疗状的 fluidal
- 怜结构 fluidal structure
- 怜性 fluidity
- 沟底川 flume
- 氟硼镁石 fluoborite
- 氟铈矿 fluocerite
- 荧光 fluorescence