- 地质专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 条带绿板岩 desmosite
- 解吸曲线 desorption curve
- 剥离酌 desquamation
- 磷硫铁矿 destinezite
- 破坏 destruction
- 破坏变质 destructive metamorphism
- 活钻头 detachable bit
- 脱顶构造 detachment
- 脱顶断层 detachment fault
- 脱顶推复体 detachment nappe
- 详细勘探 detail exploration
- 详细普查 detail prospecting
- 详查 detail survey
- 探测 detection
- 探测器检波器 detector
- 决定因素 determinant factor
- 时代鉴定 determination of the age
- 确定惰性组分 determining inert component
- 雷管 detonator
- 碎屑的 detrital
- 碎屑矿床 detrital deposits
- 碎屑岩 detrital rock
- 岩屑 detritus
- 初生变质 deuteric alteration
- 重氢 deuterium