- 土壤学专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 胶略水 "Gel water"""
- 气氧铝石,水土 "Gibbsite (同Hydrous illite)"""
- G层 G horizon
- "盖洛? " Gedroizite
- 土壤概图 Generalized soil map
- 土壤化育 Genesis,soil
- 化育因子 Genetic factor
- 化育性土类 Genetic soil type
- 土壤化育分类法 Genetic system of soil classification
- 土壤化育层 Genetical horizon,soil
- 土壤地理分类 Geographical clasSification of 8oils
- 土壤地理 Geography,soil
- 土壤地质分类 Geological classification of soils
- 地臂冲蚀 Geological erosion
- "盖? " Ginger nut
- 冰川沈积 Glacial drift
- 冰积土 Glacial soil
- 潜水灰化作用 Gleization
- 潜水灰粘层 Gley (Glei) horizon
- 潜水灰壤 Gley podzol
- 坡降 Grade
- 微斜阶段 Graded(channel) terrace (即Drainagetype terrace)
- 梯度 Gradient
- 土壤团粒 Granhle soil
- 粒状构造 Granular structure
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