- 测绘类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 拓扑检索 topological retrieval
- 地名学 toponomastics
- 地名学 toponymy
- 测深精度 total accuracy of sounding
- 导线全长闭合差 total length closing error of traverse
- 旅游地图 tourist map
- 蒙绘,*透写图 tracing
- 跟踪数字化 tracing digitizing
- 航迹 track
- 基准台,*差分台 track station
- 换能器 transducer
- 换能器基线 transducer baseline
- 换能器动态吃水 transducer dynamic draft
- 换能器静态吃水 transducer static draft
- 纠正仪 transformer
- 经纬仪 transit
- 中星仪 transit instrument
- 中天法 transit method
- 缓和曲线测设 transition curve location
- 平移参数 translation parameters
- 测深仪发射参数,*测深仪零线 transmiting line of sounder
- 透光率 transmittance
- 网纹片 transparent foil
- 透明负片 transparent negative
- 透明正片 transparent positive