- 测绘类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 海洋专题测量 marine thematic survey
- 测速标 marks for measuring velocity
- 蒙片 mask
- 蒙绘 mask artwork
- 数学地图学 mathematical cartography
- 最大似然分类 maximum likelihood classification
- 平均地球椭球 mean earth ellipsoid
- 平均运动 mean motion
- 平极 mean pole
- 历元平极 mean pole of the epoch
- 平均曲率半径 mean radius of curvature
- 平均海[水]面 mean sea level
- 点位中误差 mean square error of a point
- 测角中误差 mean square error of angle observation
- 方位角中误差 mean square error of azimuth
- 坐标中误差 mean square error of coordinate
- 高程中误差 mean square error of height
- 边长中误差 mean square error of side length
- 平时钟 mean-time clock
- 导线曲折系数 meandering coefficient of traverse
- 测杆 measuring bar
- 机械投影 mechanical projection
- 中程定位系统 medium-range positioning system
- 心象地图 mental map
- 墨卡托海图 Mercator chart