- 测绘类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 间接法纠正 indirect scheme of digital rectification
- 导入高程测量 induction height survey
- 立井导入高程测量 induction height survey through shaft
- 工业测量系统 industrial measuring system
- 工业摄影测量 industrial photogrammetry
- 惯性坐标系 inertial coordinate system
- 惯性测量系统 inertial surveying system
- 信息属性 information attribute
- 信息提取 information extraction
- 红外测距仪 infrared EDM instrument
- 红外片 infrared film
- 红外图像 infrared imagery
- 红外摄影 infrared photography
- 红外辐射计 infrared radiometer
- 红外遥感 infrared remote sensing
- 红外扫描仪 infrared scanner
- 干涉雷达 INSAR
- 瞬时视场 instantaneous field of view
- 瞬时极 instantaneous pole
- 测绘仪器 instrument of surveying and mapping
- 整体大地测量 integrated geodesy
- 组合定位 integrated positioning
- 人机交互处理 interactive processing
- 相干声呐测深系统 interferometric seabed inspection sonar
- 内部定向 interior orientation