- 测绘类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 渔礁 fishing rock
- 渔栅 fishing stake
- 裂缝观测 fissure observation
- 固定误差 fixed error
- 固定平极 fixed mean pole
- 固定相移 fixed phase drift
- 定影 Fixing
- 分版原图 Flaps
- 灯光节奏 flashing rhythm of light
- 椭球扁率 flattening of ellipsoid
- 摄影分区 flight block
- 航高 flight height
- 摄影航线 flight line of aerial photography
- 航摄计划 flight plan of aerial photography
- 浮子验潮仪 float gauge
- 底板测点 floor station
- 荧光地图 fluorescent map
- 航高 flying height
- 焦距 focal length
- 帘幕式快门,*焦面快门 focal plane shutter
- 雾[信]号 fog signal
- 巷道验收测量 footage measurement of workings
- 禁区界限 forbidden zone boundary line
- 航向重叠 fore-and-aft overlap
- 林业基本图 forest basic map