- 测绘类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 垂线偏差改正 correction for deflection of the vertical
- 电磁传播[时延]改正 correction for radio wave propagation of time signal
- 电磁传播[时延]改正 correction for radio wave propagation of time signal
- 标高差改正 correction for skew normals
- 标高差改正 correction for skew normals
- 截面差改正 correction from normal section to geodesic
- 截面差改正 correction from normal section to geodesic
- 测深改正 correction of depth
- 测深改正 correction of depth
- 重力潮汐改正 correction of gravity measurement for tide
- 重力潮汐改正 correction of gravity measurement for tide
- 挡差改正 correction of scale difference
- 挡差改正 correction of scale difference
- 声速改正 correction of sounding wave velocity
- 声速改正 correction of sounding wave velocity
- 水位分带改正 correction of tidal zoning
- 水位分带改正 correction of tidal zoning
- 换能器基线改正 correction of transducer baseline
- 换能器基线改正 correction of transducer baseline
- 换能器吃水改正 correction of transducer draft
- 换能器吃水改正 correction of transducer draft
- 水位改正 correction of water level
- 水位改正 correction of water level
- 零漂改正 correction of zero drift
- 零漂改正 correction of zero drift