- 测绘类英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 黑白片 black-and-white film
- 黑白摄影 black-and-white photography
- 闪闭法立体观察 blinking method of stereoscopic viewing
- 区域网平差 block adjustment
- 块状图 block diagram
- 蓝底图 blue key
- 地固坐标系 body-fixed coordinate system
- 钻孔位置测量 bore-hole position survey
- 底质 bottom characteristics
- 底质调查 bottom characteristics exploration
- 底质采样 bottom characteristics sampling
- 底质分布图 bottom sediment chart
- 布格异常 Bouguer anomaly
- 布格改正 Bouguer correction
- 界址点 boundary mark
- 界址点 boundary point
- 盒式分类法 box classification method
- 浪花 Breaker
- 贯通测量 breakthrough survey
- 防波堤 Breakwater
- 桥梁轴线测设 bridge axis location
- 桥梁控制测量 bridge construction control survey
- 桥梁测量 bridge survey
- 模型连接 bridging of model
- 广播星历 broadcast ephemeris