- 地质考古专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 大游子;大离子 large ion
- 大孔口 large orifice
- 大缩尺 large scale
- 拉摩半径 Larmor radii
- 钙橄榄石 larnite
- 钙橄榄石镁蔷薇辉石相 larnite-merwinite facies
- 拉森变化图 Larsen's variation diagram
- 硅铅锌矿 larsenite
- 歪碱英辉正长岩 larvikite akerite
- 歪碱正长斑岩 larvikite porphyry
- 歪碱正长岩 larvikite; laurvikite
- 雷射 laser
- 磷铝矿 lasionite
- 粗玻岩 lassenite
- 最近大陆期 last continental stage
- 终杀霜 last killing frost
- 下弦 last quarter [of the moon]
- 晚次冰期 late glacial substage
- 晚壮年期 late mature
- 晚壮年期谷 late mature valley
- 晚古生代 late palaeozoic era
- 准造山〔运动〕晚期 late synorogenic stage
- 潜热 latent heat
- 蒸发潜热 latent heat of evaporation
- 熔化潜热 latent heat of fusion