- 生态学专业术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 砖红壤 latosols
- 常绿阔叶林 laurel forest
- 常绿阔叶林带 laurel forest zone
- 常绿灌丛 laurifruticeta
- 常绿阔叶林 laurilignosa
- 恒终产量律 law of constant final yield
- 柯而贝调和级数律 law of Corbet's harmonic series
- 同胞种律 law of geminate species
- 元村氏等比级数律 law of Motomura's geometric series
- 自然疏伐律 law of natural thinning
- 非特化律 law of non-specialized
- Q10 律 law of Q10
- 重演律 law of recaptulation
- 最少量定律;最低因子律 law of the minimum
- 忍受律;耐性律 law of tolerance
- 有效积算温度律 law of total effective temperature
- 层 layer
- 层别群集 layer community
- 层别社会 layer society
- 压条法 layerage
- 压条 layering
- 半数致死剂量 LD50
- 致死药量 LD; lethal dosage
- 淋溶层 leached horizon
- 淋溶 leaching