- 气象学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 初阵风 first gust
- 初白霜 first hoarfrost
- 热力学第一定律 first law of thermodynamics
- 一阶矩;一级动差 first moment
- 一阶;一级 first order
- 春分点 First Point of Aries
- 秋分点 First Point of Libra
- 第一紫霞 first purple light
- 上弦 first quarter (of the moon)
- 第一辐射常数 first radiation constant
- 初雪 first snowfall
- 起步 first time step
- 首年冰 first year ice
- 一阶自相关 first-order autocorrelation
- 一级气候站 first-order climatological station
- 一阶闭合 first-order closure
- 一阶闭合模式 first-order closure model
- 一级生态系 first-order ecosystem
- 一阶匀滑 first-order smoothing
- 一级站 first-order station
- 费波雨量计 Fisher and Porter raingauge
- 费雪分布;F分布 Fisher's distribution; F distribution
- 渔业气象学 fishery meteorology
- 分裂 fission
- 分裂产物 fission product