六角海百合 Hexacrinus六射海绵骨刺 hexactinellid spicule六射海绵纲 Hexactinellida六次对称轴 hexad axis六陨铁 hexaedrite第三六方锥 hexagoanl pyramid of the third order六方双柱 hexagonal biprism六方双锥 hexagonal bipyramid六方交错波痕 hexagonal cross-ripple mark六方复双锥类 hexagonal dipyramidal class六方异极体类 hexagonal hemimorphic class六方全面体类 hexagonal holohedral class六方八半面体类 hexagonal ogdohedral class六方柱 hexagonal prism第一六方柱 hexagonal prism of the first order第二六方柱 hexagonal prism of the second order第三六方柱 hexagonal prism of the third order六方锥 hexagonal pyramid第一六方锥 hexagonal pyramid of the first order第二六方锥 hexagonal pyramid of the second order六方锥平面体类 hexagonal pyramidal hemihedral class六方锥异极体类 hexagonal pyramidal hemimorphic class六方菱形四分面体类 hexagonal rhobohedral tetartohedral class六方菱形半面体类 hexagonal rhombohedral hemibedral class六方菱形异极体 hexagonal rhombohedral hemimorphic(hemimorphic hemihedral)class语际翻译 版权所有
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