- 矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 顶板岩石 roof rock
- 顶板统计观测法 roof statistical observation
- 顶板应变指示器 roof strain indicator
- 顶板岩层 roof strata
- 顶板支护 roof support
- 顶板支护布置方式 roof support pattern
- 顶板上的测桩 roof survey plug
- 敲顶 roof tapping
- 顶梁 roof timber
- 顶板支护 roof timbering
- 巷道顶 roofing
- 房柱法 room and pillar method
- 房柱式开采 room and pillar mining
- 房柱法 room and pillar system
- 矿房工祖 room face
- 房式开采 room mining
- 矿房 room 室;
- 绳索 rope
- 钢丝绳钻进 rope boring
- 钢丝绳钻机 rope boring machine
- 断绳试验 rope breaking test
- 钢丝绳和吊环的接头 rope capping
- 绳夹 rope clamp
- 缆怂输机 rope conveyer
- 缆怂输机 rope conveyor