- 矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 质量酌律 law of mass action
- 成组炮眼的排列 lay out of round
- 地层 layer
- 分层开采 layer mining
- 煤层 layer of coal
- 夹层 layers of shale
- 铺设 laying
- 布置;没计 layout
- 天蓝石 lazulite
- 天青石 lazurite
- 浸滤 leaching
- 铅筒试验 lead block test
- 赫氏猛度试验 lead cylinder compression test
- 方铅矿 lead glance
- 吝 lead line
- 铅板试验 lead plate test
- 导轨 lead rail
- 硫酸铅矿 lead vitriol
- 导线 lead 铅;
- 超前工祖 leading face
- 溜道 leading pass
- 导桩 leading pile
- 超前巷道 leading place
- 爆破母线 leading wire
- 分层 leaf