- 矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 偏心筛 eccentric screen
- 偏心率 eccentricity
- 榴辉岩 eclogite
- 经济合理采剥比 economic stripping ratio
- 涡旋 eddy
- 边 edge
- 轮碾机 edge mill
- 辊碾机 edge runner
- 急倾斜层 edge seam
- 排出 eduction
- 排气管 eduction pipe
- 影响 effect
- 有效负载 effective load
- 有效拉力 effective pull
- 有效截面 effective section
- 有效值 effective value
- 有效工妆间 effective working time
- 有效 effectiveness
- 效率 efficiency
- 效率曲线 efficiency curve
- 分级效率 efficiency of classification
- 破碎效率 efficiency of crushing
- 分离度 efficiency of separation
- 分选机效率 efficiency of separator
- 风化 efflorescence