定律(2)规律 law (1)比耳定律 law of Beer布儒斯特定律 law of Brewster误差合成定律 law of combination of errors极端光程定律 law of extreme path光电律 law of photoelectricity倒易律,反比律 law of reciprocity反射定径 law of reflection折射定径 law of refraction斯乃耳折射律 Law of refraction, snell's law可逆律 Law of reversibility劳逊判据 Lawson criteria劳生判据 Lawson criterion层,涂层 layer薄膜光学 layer optics层间转换 layer-to-layer transfer层状激光器 layered laser层状靶 layered target瞄准 laying设计(2)划线(3)设计图案 layout (1)液晶 LC liquid crystal定位销 lcating pin液晶监视器 LCD monitors液晶投影机 LCD projectors液晶电视 LCD TVs语际翻译 版权所有
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