- 通讯行业专业英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 主叫挂机 The Calling Party Hooks On
- 国际电报电话咨询委员会 The Consultative Committee of International Telegraph and Telephone CCITT
- 最近一次的被叫用户 The Last Called Subscriber
- 最近一次的被叫用户 The Last Called Subscriber
- 最小号长 The Minimum Number Length
- 话务台重复拨打 The Operator Redials
- 收发端局 The Transmitting and Receiving End Office
- 热敏电阻器 Thermistor
- 厚膜 Thick Film
- 粗缆 Thicknet Cable
- 薄膜开关 Thin Film Switch
- 细缆 Thinnet Cable
- 线程 Thread
- 三方通话 Three Party Service 3PTY
- 阈值 Threshold
- 门限电平 Threshold Level
- 越限 Threshold-crossing
- 吞吐率 Throughput
- 经过定时 throughtime
- 经过定时模式 throughtimed mode
- 话单 Ticket
- 定时调整控制环 Time Adjustment Control Loop
- 时间分配话音插空 Time Assignment Speech Interpolation TASI
- 按时间选择路由 Time Dependent Routing TDR
- 时间偏差 Time Deviation TDE