- 台湾国家通讯传播委员会双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 传播内容处 The Broadcasting Content Department
- OECD 信息、计算机及通讯政策委员会 The Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP), OECD
- 法律事务处 The Legal Affairs Department
- 营运管理处 The Operat ional Administration Department
- 综合企划处 The Planning Department
- 地区监理处 The Regional Regulatory Department
- 资源管理处 The Resources Administration Department
- 技术管理处 The Technologies Administration Department
- 三方通话 Three-way Calling
- 流通量 Throughput
- 时间压缩多任务 Time Compression Multiplex (简称 TCM )
- 划时多路进接 Time Division Multiple Access (简称 TDMA )
- 划频多路 Time Division Multiplex (简称 TDM )
- 今日时刻 Time of Day ( 简称 TOD)
- 时槽互换 Time Slot Interchange (简称 TSI )
- 长途中心局 Toll Center (简称 TC )
- 受话方付费电话 Toll Free
- 长途交换 Toll Switching
- 长途电路运用信息系统 Toll Trunk Application Information System (简称 TOTAS )
- 市话话务品管设计计算机化系统 Traffic Engineering, Administration and Summary Report System (简称 TREASURES )
- 讯务选路由 Traffic Routing
- 转换器 Transducer
- 传输控制通信协议/因特网通信协议 Transmission Control Protocol╱Internet Protocol (简称 TCP╱IP )
- 传输次网络维运控制系统 Transmission Sub Network Controller (简称 TSNC )
- 转频器 Transponder