设计小型程序的语言 language for programming-in-the-small,LPS机器人控制语言 language for robot control符号仿真语言 language for symbolic simulation,LSS系统开发语言 language for system development,LSD在线调查及抽象变换语言 language for the on-line investigation and transformation of abstractions计算器远程教学语言 language for your remote instruction by computer语言形式 language form语言基频识别 language fundamental frequency recognition语言产生系统 language generation system语言图 language graph语言阶层 language hierarchy语言识别 language identification独立于语言的错误复原方法 language independent error recovery method语言无关的宏处理器 language independent macroprocessor语言推理 language inference语言信息 language information语言信息代数系统 language information algebra system语言信息处理 language information processing语言解译模块 language interpretation module,LIM语言解译器 language interpreter语言知识库 language knowledge base程序律师 language lawyer语言位准 language level语言串行处理 language list processing语言媒体格式 language media format,LMF语际翻译 版权所有
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