- 计算机通信工程英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 关键技巧 key skill
- 跳位键 key skip
- 键分类 key sort
- 键分类 key sorting
- 关键源 key source
- 键间隔 key space
- 关键状态 key state
- 主站 key station
- 主站控制语言 key station control language,KCL
- 主站联机商业导向语言 key station on line business oriented language,KOBOL
- 键状态指示器 key status indicator
- 键击 key stroke
- 键次验证 key stroke verification
- 关键成功因素 key success factor
- 键开关 key switch
- 金钥同步 key synchronization
- 键表 key table
- 金钥标签 key tagging
- 键带 key tape,KT
- 关键术语 key term
- 键至地址 key to address
- 键至地址转换算法 key to address conversion algorithm
- 键至地址变换 key to address transformation,KAT
- 键至磁匣 key to cassette
- 键至磁盘操作系统 key to disc operating system,KDOS